Think small, deliver big! Finding your minimum viable audience

Think small, deliver big! Finding your minimum viable audience

Marketing to everyone is incredibly difficult. Unless you have a massive amount of capital, or an internationally recognised brand already, this traditional type of marketing is guaranteed to fail.

Free eBook on Creating Customer Value

Learn why choosing problems over ideas will enhance your chance for success in my free white paper 'Creating Customer Value'.

Why most product roadmaps suck!

Why most product roadmaps suck!

One of the biggest frustrations I encounter working with both development and product management teams is the lack of a clear product roadmap.

Free eBook on Creating Customer Value

Learn why choosing problems over ideas will enhance your chance for success in my free white paper 'Creating Customer Value'.

The baby and the beast

The baby and the beast

When teams grow beyond the ideal “2-3 pizza” size of 6 or 7 people, you need extra management layers to ensure delivery of strategic objectives. But with every extra team member, the burden of communication increases.

Free eBook on Creating Customer Value

Learn why choosing problems over ideas will enhance your chance for success in my free white paper 'Creating Customer Value'.

Innovation is messy, so throw out the process

Innovation is messy, so throw out the process

Three main methodologies, Design Thinking, Lean Startup, and Agile are currently used in many organisations. I am often asked about the differences between the three.

Free eBook on Creating Customer Value

Learn why choosing problems over ideas will enhance your chance for success in my free white paper 'Creating Customer Value'.