
The Ecosystem Leader

The Ecosystem Leader

Leadership as an area of study is still in its early beginnings. Today, leaders are grappling with the change from the siloed, hierarchical management styles best suited the industrial era. In an ecosystem world, we face a new challenge of a shift towards a model where no single individual has formal control.

Free eBook on Creating Customer Value

Learn why choosing problems over ideas will enhance your chance for success in my free white paper 'Creating Customer Value'.

The baby and the beast

The baby and the beast

When teams grow beyond the ideal “2-3 pizza” size of 6 or 7 people, you need extra management layers to ensure delivery of strategic objectives. But with every extra team member, the burden of communication increases.

Free eBook on Creating Customer Value

Learn why choosing problems over ideas will enhance your chance for success in my free white paper 'Creating Customer Value'.

Creating a mission orientated team

Creating a mission orientated team

One of the biggest challenges that any organisation faces is building its own culture. This issue covers culture, leadership and creating a thriving environment for work, one of the key ingredients to innovation & start-up success.

Free eBook on Creating Customer Value

Learn why choosing problems over ideas will enhance your chance for success in my free white paper 'Creating Customer Value'.